Because Windows 8.1 has compatibility problem for many softwares, Microsoft provide a solution call Windows XP Mode.

Download Windows XP Mode:

But, the XP mode is only provided for 30 days only. So how do we use it for a long time?

In my situation, Windows 8.1 is not compatible for "PCAnywhere" that won't update forever. But I need it for work! So I installed WinXP Mode into VirtualBox.

After everything installing done in VirtualBox WinXP Mode, there is only one thing you need to remember: "Saving the state of machine."

Everytime before you closing VirtualBox XP Mode, please select "Saving the state of machine." Then next time you use it, even the trial time is over, you can still use it. Just don't select "Turn off the machine." If you do that, your Windows XP Mode will force you to input Windows XP key, or turn it off.

Why PCAnywhere don't support Windows 8.1?
Why the Win XP mode Windows 8.1 provided has time limit?


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